Despite health inequities experienced by Aboriginal and transgender (trans) communities, little research has explored the well-being of Aboriginal trans (gender-diverse) people. This paper aims to describe barriers to well-being in a sample of Aboriginal gender-diverse people in Ontario, Canada.
Posts tagged as Aboriginal
Three New Journal Articles Published
The Trans PULSE team is pleased to share the publication of three new journal articles so far this year.
High Heterogeneity of HIV-Related Sexual Risk Among Transgender People in Ontario, Canada
A Province-Wide Respondent-Driven Sampling Survey
Background Studies of HIV-related risk in trans (transgender, transsexual, or transitioned) people have most often involved urban convenience samples of those on the male-to-female (MTF) spectrum. Studies have detected high prevalences of HIV-related risk behaviours, self-reported HIV, and HIV seropositivity.
Methods The Trans PULSE Project conducted a multi-mode survey using respondent-driven sampling to recruit 433 trans people in Ontario, Canada. Weighted estimates were calculated for HIV-related risk behaviours, HIV testing and self-reported HIV, including subgroup estimates for gender spectrum and ethno-racial groups.
Results Trans people in Ontario report a wide range of sexual behaviours with a full range of partner types. Read more