The purpose of this report is to summarize key research results from the Trans PULSE Project that may be useful in discussions, debates or policy creation related to transgender human rights in multiple jurisdictions. As Trans PULSE results have been used by the Canadian Human Rights Commission, and are heavily cited in the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s 2014 policy on gender identity and discrimination, we sought to create a summary of research findings that have been of greatest interest with regard to human rights issues. Read more
Research & Study Results
Project Reports
These are mostly in-depth reports, targeted for specific institutions and are created for quick response. There are also reports included here that provide overviews of the research project, current members, opportunities for involvement, key findings of the particular phase, and other useful information.
Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Among Trans Ontarians
A report prepared for the Screening Saves Lives Program of the Canadian Cancer Society
The objective of this report is to provide requested information on perceived need for, and access to, Pap tests and mammograms for trans (transgender, transsexual and transitioned) people in Ontario, using data from the Trans PULSE Project.
Among FTM trans people who had not had hysterectomies, 56.2% reported perceived need for a Pap test in the past year, of whom 83.1% were able to access one. In other words, an estimated 46.7% of FTMs who had not undergone hysterectomies had accessed a Pap test in the past year. Ten FTMs who had not had chest surgery (mastectomy) reported perceived need for a mammogram in the past year, of whom 7 were able to access one. Among MTF trans people who were on estrogen, 12 of 16 participants who perceived need for a mammogram were able to access one. Read more
Trans Ontarians’ Sex Designations on Federal and Provincial Identity Documents
A report prepared for the Canadian Human Rights Commission
The objective of this report is to provide requested information on social gender transition and the status of sex designations on government-issued identity documents for trans (transgender, transsexual and transitioned) people, using data from the Trans PULSE Project.
An estimated 48.0% of trans people who had socially transitioned to live full-time as men or women had no government-issued identification that reflected their lived gender. While a full discussion of the implications is beyond the scope of this report, this does represent a special situation in that the complete absence of identification matching one’s lived gender creates barriers to everyday activities of life.
Impacts of Strong Parental Support for Trans Youth
A report prepared for Children's Aid Society of Toronto and Delisle Youth Services
The aim of this report is to provide preliminary data on the health impacts of parental support for trans (transgender or transsexual) youth aged 16 to 24 in Ontario.
Trans PULSE data have considerable implications for parents/caregivers and for those working with trans youth in schools and services. First and foremost, our findings show clear associations between the support that trans youth experience from their parents and numerous health outcomes. The most significant differences show that trans youth who have strong parental support for their gender identity and expression report higher life satisfaction, higher self-esteem, better mental health including less depression and fewer suicide attempts, and adequate housing compared to those without strong parental support. These findings draw a direct relationship between strong parental support and the reduction of significant risk factors for trans youth. Read more
Gay, Bisexual & MSM Trans Guys: No Assumptions!
A report prepared for the Gay Men's Sexual Health Summit
About two-thirds of trans guys are GB-MSM, and are attracted to or sexually involved with cis or trans men. Trans guys already exist within gay men’s communities, gay bathhouses, and gay men’s bedrooms. Yet, their sexual health concerns are rarely made visible.
Our results show wide diversity among GB-MSM trans guys with regard to relationship types, sexual activities, psycho-social factors, and HIV-related risk. Thus, no assumptions can safely be made about how an “average” GB-MSM trans guy may act, what he may do in bed (or not do in bed), or what other psycho-social stressors he may or may not have to deal with.
Sexual health and HIV-related prevention and testing programs and materials need to incorporate trans guys’ issues and needs, and to reflect the potential for gay or queer bodies to be trans bodies.
Estimating Unmet Need for OHIP-funded Sex Reassignment Surgeries
A Report Prepared for the Ministry of Health and Long-term Care of Ontario
The objective of this report is to provide information from Trans PULSE Project data to inform health systems planning with regard to sex reassignment surgeries covered under the Ontario Health Insurance Program (OHIP). Hormonal care and non-listed medical procedures are thus not included, though they represent important additional components of transition-related care.
Trans PULSE Project Summary 2008
Why is this survey important?
A survey of this many trans people has never been done before – in Ontario or anywhere else in the world! In order for services to change we need to hear the real experiences of what it is like to be trans or to transition in Ontario. We’ve chosen particular kinds of questions to make sure that the results are useful to trans communities and able to improve our quality of life. This survey is important because it is driven and owned by trans people, allies and partners who are committed to improving our communities.
Report on Phase I & Plans for Phases II and III
Phase I of our research involved gathering a wide variety of perspectives on health and health issues from trans people in Ontario. Overall, 89 participants took part in seven soundings held in summer 2006 in Toronto, Guelph, and Ottawa. These were trans-only spaces, facilitated by trans investigators from our research team. The soundings provided insight into the current health priorities of trans community members, the challenges confronted when trying to become or stay healthy, and some frequent barriers to accessing health care and social services.