We are so excited to announce Trans PULSE Canada, with an expanded research team and a national survey in summer 2019! We are almost ready to launch. Learn more at our new website at https://transpulsecanada.ca/ .
Keeping your research data out of the courts
Greta Bauer
It is an obligation of those of us who work in research to protect the safety and confidentiality of the personal information that our participants share with us. This safety is critical to promote the trust required for people to participate, and to allow them to respond honestly to the sometimes very personal questions that are needed to do research on important issues. Those of us who have worked on Trans PULSE are deeply grateful to all of our participants for being willing to share their experiences, so that we could describe community experiences and analyse potential strategies to improve health and well-being. The work we have done has had a major impact on policy and practice in Canada and beyond.
Trans PULSE: Wrapping Up
You may have noticed some changes to our website recently. After years of collective work to document the experiences of trans communities in Ontario, we are wrapping up our work on Trans PULSE. It’s been amazing to see all the changes in policy, practice, and community advocacy since we began our work. Our very first seed grant to build the team came in 2005, and we held our community soundings the summer of 2006. We collected our survey data in 2009 and 2010, and we’ve worked since then to get a wide range of results out in formats people can use. So many of you in the community contributed your experiences to this data set, and your efforts to making this happen. So many of you are taking our results and using them in your professional work and advocacy. Read more
New Trans PULSE Report on Cancer Screening
The Trans PULSE Project has produced a new report focused on perceived need for, and access to, Pap tests and mammograms for trans Ontarians. Read more
New Trans PULSE Report on Identity Documents
The Trans PULSE project has produced a new report focused on social gender transition and the status of sex designations on goverment-issued identity documents for trans Ontarians.
CPATH 2012
The Canadian Professional Association for Transgender Health (CPATH) held it’s third biennial conference at the historic Fort Garry Hotel in Winnipeg, Manitoba, September 21st – 23rd. Read more
Trans Health Advocacy Summit
The Trans Health Advocacy Summit (THAS) took place August 10th to 12th on the beautiful campus of Western University in London, Ontario. It brought together 35 trans community members and 3 allies that were motivated to be there and participate. Read more
A tribute to our friend Kyle Scanlon
It is with tremendous sadness that we learned of the death of Kyle Scanlon, our dear friend and one of our treasured Trans PULSE team members. Read more
Launch of New Website
The Trans PULSE Project team is very excited to announce the launch of our completely redesigned website. We hope you will enjoy it as much as we do.
Three New Journal Articles Published
The Trans PULSE team is pleased to share the publication of three new journal articles so far this year.