I am using information from the Trans Pulse Project in many ways. I recently wrote and submitted an application for a CIHR Post-Doctoral Fellowship about the intersections between violence, mental health, gender identity and place in the lives of trans and gender nonconforming people. I have also used information from the project in teaching an undergraduate class on gender and health at the University of British Columbia. Students have read “I don’t think it is theoretical” and they have found it extremely helpful in understanding trans people’s experiences of erasure and the context of cisnormativity. As a parent of a gender variant child, I am also using these concepts and information from the project, when educating my child’s teachers and principal about the needs of trans and gender nonconforming children and youth. As a community-based anti-violence educator/activist I have also used data from your research to educate about violence in the lives of trans people. Thanks for your good work!

Cindy Holmes, UBC, Vancouver